Positive change needs
a solid core. Let’s plant it & care for its growth.
Together we analyze the existing, develop sustainable strategies and make future-proof ideas visible. With an experienced network of strategists and experts, I offer holistic solutions, analog and digital.
From conception to design to implementation, I work with my clients through all the important steps to the goal - clear in content and visually touching. Together we build symbols that stand for positive change. Visions enable change - tell me about yours!

To the essence
From the very beginning, I act as creative consultant. Through extensive analysis and a creative guiding idea, together we create a unique communication strategy that distinguishes your project and optimally addresses your target group.
- Analysis
- Lead Idea
- Strategy
- Positioning
- Concept
- Analysis
- Lead Idea
- Strategy
- Positioning
- Concept

Build & Shape
We bring your vision to life - with a name, a visual identity and a tone of voice. In that process, we make the character and essence of your idea visible with pinpoint accuracy.
- Naming & Claiming
- Logo Design
- Corporate Design & Identity
- Visual language & Key Visuals
- Webdesign
- User Experience (UX)
- Naming & Claiming
- Logo Design
- Corporate Design & Identity
- Visual language & Key Visuals
- Webdesign
- User Experience (UX)

Develop & implement
Together we develop touching messages. With high design quality, we create experiences that inspire and excite.
- Campaigns & Advertising
- Interface Design (UI)
- Infographics
- Print/Editorial Design
- Icon Design
- Illustrations
- Video & Photography
- Campaigns & Advertising
- Interface Design (UI)
- Infographics
- Print/Editorial Design
- Icon Design
- Illustrations
- Video & Photography

Become visible
A project is successful when it has reach. We identify untapped potential and develop cross-channel products and services with added value.
- Digital strategy
- Social Media & Shop Systems
- Search Engine Optimization
- Data Tracking & Analysis
- Online Marketing
- Digital Storytelling
- Digital strategy
- Social Media & Shop Systems
- Search Engine Optimization
- Data Tracking & Analysis
- Online Marketing
- Digital Storytelling
Mut, Ideenreichtum und Wissen über die Möglichkeiten
Dank einer genauer Analyse auf ein funktionierendes Produkt, wurden wir darauf aufmerksam, was deutlich besser, strukturierter und innovativer geht.”
Ganzheitliche Designlösungen mit durchdachtem Kopf- und Handwerk
Das Ergebnis war auf den Punkt, stimmig und trotzdem einzigartig, was uns sowohl von Kunden- als auch Investorenseite positiv gespiegelt wurde.”
Entscheidungen werden gefunden, nicht forciert
Kreative Inputs, tolles Design und Denkanstöße für alle, die ein ‘Good Thing’ vorhaben – originell und schnell. Sehr fairer, ausgeglichener und inspirierender Partner.”
Wenn nötig, auch extrem viel in kurzer Zeit
Alle sind beeindruckt von den Ergebnissen. Verständnis für Inhalte und sehr klare, stilistische Lösungen. Wir schätzen die Qualität, Zuverlässigkeit und die kollegiale Atmosphäre.”
R. do Comércio 16
7630-174 São Luís
+49 0176 60 844 912